Thursday, August 6, 2020

साठा उत्तराची कहाणी


अरे काय करतो आहेस नुसता बसून,

मन नाही भरलं कारे अजूनही

स्वतःचं कौतुक बघून?


नाही गं, पाहतोय तिला,

पाण्यातून वाट काढणारी बाई

डोक्यावरच्या टोपलीतल्या मुलाला सांभाळत नेणारी आई


तिथे पावसात अडकली आहे ती Ambulance

आतला रुग्ण आणि डॉक्टर दोघेही हवालदिल,

पण करणार काय? गाडीला पुढे सरकायला मिळतच नाहीये हिरवा कंदील


त्या तिथे झालाय बॉम्बस्फोट

लोकांचा जीव घेण्यासाठी?

तूच सांग, कोणाला मारून कधी मिळते का मुक्ती?


विषाणूच्या संसर्गाने लोक झालेत त्राही त्राही

अन्न वस्त्र निवारा

कित्येकांकडे काहीच नाही


तरी ह्यांच्या इच्छा संपत नाहीत

जे आहे तेवढ्यात

सुख अजिबात मानत नाहीत.

एवढ्या धुमाळीत करतात

लहान मुलींवर बलात्कार, बायकोला मारतात जाळतात

कसा धजावतो गं ह्यांचा हात?


नद्या म्हणे जीवन दायी, पण मग ठेवत का नाहीत साफ सफाई?

नाला करून टाकलाय सगळ्या नद्यांना

मग ती गोदावरी शरयू असो कि गंगा यमुना


अरे असा किती त्रागा करशील?

तू सुद्धा होतासच कि माणूस,

जश्या तू चुका केल्यास, तश्याच त्यांच्याही हातून घडतील


थोडा वेळ बाहेर फिरून ये,

मोकळ्या हवेत बर वाटेल,

तुमच्या गप्पांचा अड्डा नाही का आज? थोडी मनः शांती मिळेल


भेटलो होतो कि परवाच सगळे,

आले होते अल्ला आणि god देखील.

सगळ्यांनीच उडवली टर माझी, म्हणे लवकरच मह्गड्या घरात रहायला जाशील


अल्ला ही होता वैतागलेला,

God ने तर हातच टेकले,

काय होतंय नाकातोंडला फडका बांधायला, ह्यांना कोण जाणार समजवायला, म्हणाले


कशाला करताय वारी,

कशाला जाता मक्का मदिना आणि रोमला?

भिनलोत आम्ही तुमच्या प्रत्येक कणाकणात, कितींदा पाहिजे म्हणे सांगायला?


पूर्ण पृथ्वी वर

केवळ ह्यांच्या कडेच आहे विचार करण्याची शक्ती,

पण त्यांतून त्यांनी जन्माला घातलीये नको असलेली ही आंधळी भक्ती


निसर्गाच्या बरोबरीने रहा

हाच निर्णय खरा

पण ह्यांना निसर्ग देखील पाहिजे मुठीत, म्हणे ही आमचीच धरा


म्हातारीच्या खुलभर दुधाने

भरला राजाच्या शिवालयाचा गाभारा,

ही कहाणी सांगून सांगून, मीच झालोय म्हातारा.


माझ्याही हातून चुका घडल्या,

आहे मला कबूल,

पण माझी हीच गोष्ट माणसात उतरावी, ही खरी दिशाभूल


कसा राहू मी त्या घरात

जेंव्हा विस्कटलय माझ्या लेकरांच जीवन

अन्न नाही, शाळा नाहीत, उपचारांसाठी इस्पितळ नाही, कसा करू हे सहन?


ह्या गोष्टीने का झालंय

विचलित तुझं चित्त?

असं समाज, तुझ्या चुकांचं हेच आहे प्रायश्चित्त


नको गं सीते असा श्राप देऊस

मग घे अवतार धरतीवर पुन्हा पुन्हा

आणि शिकवं त्यांना खऱ्या गोष्टी, रामा रघुनंदना


मी तर जाईन गं वेळोवेळी

पण भीती वाटतेय फार

स्वीकारतील का हे लोक माझा हा २.० अवतार?


त्यांचे विचार बदललेत

त्यांच्या गरजा बदलल्या.

अरे पण तो शेवटी माणूसच आहे, आपलीच लेकरं हे तू कसे विसरलास.


मी ही येते, जाऊया परत एकदा

देऊया ज्ञानाचे काही धडे

आपल्याला आगोदरच सुचायला हवं होत हे


सुरु केली प्रयाणाची तयारी दोघांनी

वनवास संपेल? होती का त्यांच्या इच्छा पूर्ण?

ही साठा उत्तराची कहाणी, नेहमी साठीच अपूर्ण

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

ME & COVID-19 (#gocoronago)

These days instead of a work schedule, I start my day by planning which part of the house needs to be disinfected. Corona seems to have taken over all my senses I am feeling lethargic (what else can you feel while working from home but also having to do house work!) ; I am so paranoid,  I keep count of my sneezes and coughs; and then I try to  remind myself to wash my hands constantly. But nothing just nothing seems to be enough. 

The virus has affected people around me as well. I wake up thinking it is my birthday daily because my hubby sings  happy birthday while washing his hands in full volume, and I have anyway lost count of dates and months, said one of my friends. One of my colleagues boasted that his 14-month-old was learning the alphabets quickly because their whole family sings ABCD while washing hands!   There is trauma too. Another colleague is a bit worried as her baby starts crying if her husband comes without the mask. 

Covid has also become a matter of neighbourhood gossip.  When the lady who lives upstairs sneezed a few times last evening, all the neighbours came knocking at her door (equipped with masks and gloves etc., of course). -  Tadke me mirchi thodi zyada hogayi,my neighbour consoled them (fried a few extra chillies in the oil by mistake), which resulted in a collective. ohhhh. Whether that oh was a sigh of relief or an expression of disappointment, is still a question to me! Which lane has how many patients and who is allowing the maid, who can be a silent carrier; are the gossips passed on the chat groups.

When the lockdown first started, we would watch the news regularly. But the news got irritating when channels started displaying the number of infected, discharged and the dead individuals as if they were displaying an IPL scoreboard. Things became worse, when a month later there was a different score board that of migrant workers walking home from sprawling the cities. I became increasingly disgusted as these figures became stepping stones for politicians. 

After much ado about clapping, candle-burning, and flower- showering, the frontline workers are still overwhelmed, and India is still confused. Is subscribing to the newspaper safe? Can I walk my pet? How many hours does the virus stay on various surfaces? And most importantly, when do I need to get tested, and will I get a bed in the hospital if things become dire?? There is no clarity, and everyone seems to be following their own rule-book. Some are washing everything with soap, others are soaking all their fresh produce in salt water, and then there are some who are keeping all the items away for 12 to 18 hours. People are using camphor and turmeric as immunity boosters; propagating that certain teas help you boost immunity; and then some geniuses are, using AND consuming bleach, yeeks (WTF!!) 

The emergence of Covid19 has led to mass hysteria. Whatsapp chats are filled with memes and advisories about a terrible 2020.  And people are ready to curse the astrologers who predicted a great year! India has now also given this virus, the status of a demigod.  In eastern parts of India, many have started calling the virus “Corona Maai, and are praying for her to go away and leave humanity in peace.  

The pandemic has also been compounded by anti-China sentiments.  Many have been asking me not to use cash or cards as they can carry the virus. Instead, you should use Paytm you know, it is contactless;but and in the same breath they continue, also refrain from using Chinese products. Boycott Chinese products. What? Why? If I am not to use Chinese products, my phone will be the first to go, followed by the Paytm app, and the medicines, and the masks!

But the lockdown also has a brighter side. The utensils become cleaner without using too much soap, and a small bottle of floor- cleaner lasts a month. Losing weight is automatic. Now, I can fit into my old blouses and trousers! The air outside is much more breathable than it was 2 -3 months ago as well. And although we have been working from home, my house seems much more organized.  The lockdown has also helped me realize that my husband is capable of washing dishes, doing laundry, and cooking very well!

No one can see the end of this Covid-19 tunnel yet. Until then, let's do our bit for the needy, and help each other survive as we make history.  Chanting Go Corona Go, is not going to save us. 


Friday, June 5, 2020




Once again, the United States of America has bagged the world’s attention for “not so good” reason. Since becoming a Covid-19 hotspot, the US has had the highest numbers of deaths around the globe. But these days the world is looking at the US in shock and dismay for a different reason—.  Shocked by the killing of George Floyd, an African – American man who was suffocated to death, and dismayed, at the leadership that is unable to understand the repercussions from this incident. Nearly 50 years ago, the US had protested and demanded equal rights under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., with a “dream”. 50 years later, they have returned to square one.

The sudden demonstrations in the US are not only against the right of equality being taken away, but also the systemic denial of the right to live as a normal human being. While the US is not new to these incidents, many have turned a blind eye against these events, type-casting them as trivial incidents. There is more to this sudden outburst.  It is stemming from people’s frustration; about injustice such as racism, and unequal rights, as well as other issues like economic depression created by Covid19, and environmental degradation.

Six or seven months ago, Indians also demonstrated against injustice. When the Indian government declared plans to implement the CAA & NRC. People came together to demonstrate peacefully and express their dissent. But the similarities don’t end here. We have also had multiple cases of lynching in India. Here, people are being lynched for their religion or their caste. But unlike the US, we should not trivialize these incidents. Indians by and large, are tolerant people. Indians have always waited for a Mahatma Gandhi or a Babasaheb Ambedkar. Do we always have to wait for an emphatic leadership to wake us up from our slumbers, and remind us of our democratic and constitutional rights? For how long must we do this?

Bigotry takes place when superiority overpowers humanity. Arrogance and prejudice of “me” gives way to atrocity. The world has become a much smaller place today so let us not divide but stay together. Everyone needs the other. You need a neighbour. Loneliness is awful.

Let us not grow immune and turn a blind eye towards the happenings around us. Let us remember all the victims of the system — Nirbhaya and many other girls like her; Pehlu Khan and many other minorities like him; Mukesh Vaniya and many other Dalits like him; Rajkumari and many other migrant workers who died walking, on their way home in these Covid times. They all must have said, “I can’t breathe”. 



Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Unanswered questions on a scorching hot day.

This happened say some 3-4 years back and I am still grappling for answers to the questions this small incident made me ask myself. The incident, a very trivial in a sense, gave me a plethora of questions, answers to which seem farther... 

It happened so...

While driving through the traffic on Delhi roads, on this really warm day, I was fretting about the A/C not working fine. May be the German car air-conditioner cannot cater to the above 40 degree Celsius temperature of Delhi, to cool the interiors. On the roads, as Delhi is always, full of people, sweltering in the heat and still going about with their regular chores. Selling, bargaining, buying and begging.

There are many water sellers and ice lolly sellers on the roads doing brisk business in this heat. The car stopped at one of the signals. "too long of a signal", complained my driver, glancing at the seconds quickly counting down. Suddenly saw a lady... may be a girl, wearing a saree, her head covered with the "pallu" at the red light, tagging her child by hand and another one in her arms. Must be a young mother of about 22 years with 2 kids already in tow, and don't know how many more in the house. 

Watching the ice lollies, the elder one's eyes glowed! What better can anything be other than these lollies in this scorching heat... his eyes said. He tugged at his mother's saree and pointed towards the seller. For a moment... just for a second may be, the child in the mother also came up... Her eyes too gave away the same thoughts as of her son. But it was just a flicker of a second, and then she just dragged her son past the lolly seller.

That moment, I wanted to get down from the car and buy the ice lollies for those three kids, yes three of them and give them a moment of happiness. But I could not. Many thoughts came running, "will she take it from me", "would she approve of this gesture," "what if she refuses"... and with a sudden honk from the car behind, I was brought back from my thoughts. The driver had already started the engine and had driven past the mother and her children. 

I kept on thinking, what held me back from getting off the car and giving them a surprise? Definitely not finances. Was it the young mother's pride or her determination or understanding of her finances? Or was it was my ego; what if she refused? Though I wanted to do it, I had already termed myself "generous" and a refusal would have busted that false balloon. I was afraid, about my reaction and dejection, if at all a refusal had come.  And what if she had accepted it? The joy on their faces, would have given me Joy? Or a story for me to tell all, about how I just did some good gesture? 

I was confused and still am.

It is difficult! Difficult to do something selflessly, to not to think about it or boast about it, but just to feel good about it. I did not have the courage, nor did I have the belief in my own self. If only I had, the story would be different for sure. This would have been a really small gesture... nothing big.

It is only one in thousands and crores, who can become a Baba or Prakash Amte or Mother Teresa... no wonder! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ramayan as I read it...

Heard the Ramayan stories from my mother as a child. The name Ayodhya got etched on my mind, for the river Sharayu, than that of birth place of Lord Ram. Because Sharayu aunty, our neighbour, was one of my favourite aunts then! 

As per the all very typical Marathi middle class Brahman families, my mother had taught me the "Raamraksha",  which was supposed to be recited every evening, when mom would light a diya in her "deoghar". The Raamraksha is a long verse in Sanskrit, praising Lord Ram, his looks, his knowledge, his strength, him being the best king... basically all the goods that can be showered upon a man.  Later came the beautiful rendition of "Geet Ramayan" by Sudhir Phadke and Ga. Di. Madgulkar. This had some hummable music, all about Ram and Ramayan.

But every time when I heard the story, I would stumble to call Ram "Maryada Purushottam"; the ideal man! I would feel bad... very bad for Shurpanakha, who was brutally punished for no such big reason. Later I would feel bad for Sita... of course, but would also be annoyed with her for being such a subservient lady. Very soon I stopped my evening recitation of the Raamraksha and the evening prayers to the utter angst from relatives, surprisingly not from my Mom.

I had pestered her a lot during my child hood with my most childlike queries. "How come Ram & Lakshman are always clean shaven even in their "wanwaas" in the jungles? What would they eat aai? They could not grow vegetables, so how did they become strong to fight Ravan?" My mom always ignored such questions by giving the typical answers, that they were Gods, so they could do anything etcetra. 

Various phases of Lord Ram's life depicted at the Hazar Ram temple in Hampi

Growing up and reading made me ask more questions, this time during some conversations with relatives. 
Me: "Why did Sita want Ram to kill the Golden Deer?" 
Relative 01: " to make a blouse from the hide, don't you know?"
Me: " but weren't they in banishment and supposed to live an ascetic life?"
Relative 02: " That was mainly for Ram, Sita was not supposed to be banished, but she followed her husband."
Me.: " Ok so she was allowed to have desires! But isn't it very cruel to kill the animal only for its hide? 
Relative 02: That was the way of life during those days, you see.
Me: Or do you think, it was for the meat as well, that they wanted to kill the animal. Two in one you see! 
Relative 03: What nonsense! Ram wouldn't kill an animal for his meat!
Me: But you just said, that was the way of life then, how else do you think they would survive for 14 years in the jungles? they had to eat animals!
Relative 01: What have you taught your daughters? No "sanskar" at all.
And my Mom would pull me out.

Today, when I see the effigies of Ravan, Kumbhakarn & Meghnad, being burnt on Dushera festival, I get perturbed. Why do we have to be so cruel? We have been burning these effigies year after year and generations after generations? We are told, it symbolizes the win of good over evil. Well... who decides who is good and who is evil? If Ravan abducted Sita, it was as a vengeance for abusing his sister by Ram and Lakshman. And actually, Ravan, as I read, was a great human being. 

A scholar, a capable ruler and master of many arts, Ravan was also a great devotee of Lord Shiva. His home, Lanka, was known as Golden Lanka, which meant prosperous Lanka. He is shown with 10 heads, which actually is manifestation depicting his command over the 6 shastras and the 4 vedas. 

The Ten headed "Lankapati" Ravan.
On the other hand, was the prince of Ayodhya, actually an equal to him? Probably not. Ravan was assassinated deceitfully, else, he would never been killed. All these years one question persistently crops its head... why did Ram choose the southern part of India for his banishment? Why not the north or the east? It seems this was a pre-planned banishment. The southern part of India, which was rich with flora and fauna was vast region. Ruled by Ravan. As per the culture then, there were many matriarchal tribes down south which was against the values of the Suryavanshi clan which Lord Ram belonged to.

Was it done deliberately, to abolish this trend and establish the Aryan culture down south also? Shabri, Anjani were leaders of their own tribes. Tara could re-marry after her husband's demise. Did this equal status for women in these parts disturb the Aryans? The Dravidians, lived with nature. The monkey king, the vulture king, all seem to be clans or tribes worshiping the animal or calling the animal as their mentor. The Aryans definitely found it to be un-civilized. Definition of civilization as per them was "power" "authority" and "dominance". A civilized society was the one which, over powered everything which came it's way. 

What else can explain the agony Sita had to suffer throughout her life? Ramayan speaks highly of Lakshman and his brotherly love, what about Urmila, his wife, whom he left behind for 14 years? Neither the Raamraksha nor the various versions of Ramyan, ever answered any of these questions. The so called religious and "sanskaari" relatives ignored these questions. The unconditional love of Sita for Ram was great, but my words stumble, again, to say Ram loved and respected Sita equally! He might have been a fine ruler, but definitely not the "ideal man"! 


PS: After a few feed backs received, i would like to clarify, in my perception Ram and Ravan, both are human beings and nothing to do with "Dev and Danav"